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The Duke Chapel serves many people and spiritualities in our community and its distinctive profile is widely recognizable. To protect its integrity, the following guidelines related to the use of any print or digital representations of Duke Chapel have been developed:
- Use of the Chapel as a non-photographic design element (i.e. vector graphics, logos, etc.) is prohibited
- Images of Duke Chapel may not be used on apparel, or other products unless such products are to be used specifically for Duke Chapel functions, or by Duke Chapel staff
- No graphical likeness of the Chapel should be created as a representation of the Duke brand without approval
- Only the following photos of Duke Chapel are available for use without appropriate approval
- It is not to be used in lieu of the official Duke wordmark
- Do not use a scaled version of the graphic that does not provide enough contrast
When using photographic imagery of the chapel, please use the following standards:
- Do not use filters to alter the image
- Black and white treatments are only appropriate for archival imagery
Approved Chapel photos can be found in Duke’s Asset Management System.